Our Classroom Website



 Welcome to “Brooklyn College” Class students and parents of the Kindergarten class of 2033! I am so proud to be your teacher and help all of you grow your brain! On this page you will find all the resources, updates, and assignments you need for a successful year. - Mrs. Paulino


Favorite Quote:  ‘Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.’–Scott Hayden


Educational Philosophy: My theory of education is that I think all students are capable of learning. They do not all learn at the same pace, but it is possible with different methods and strategies. Students should not be thought of as mindless individuals only waiting for their teachers to be packed with wisdom. Quite the opposite; students should be seen as people who can contribute to the classroom, communicate and learn information from each other. Students need to be directed and not only lectured.The instructor must also educate her students intellectually by teaching them the skills required to solve problems and socially by teaching them the skills needed to interact and work productively with others. Education is not only academic. Students have to be able to work in the real world, which needs not only academic knowledge, but also social skills. I think teachers should not be alone in educating students, but parents, families and communities should work together to help students.


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